
Kamis, 05 Februari 2015

I Have To Focus With My Skripsi And My English Skill

I have to focus with my skripsi. Or, in english is essay (translated by google translate).

Now, I am already 8th semester. And I must complete my education in bachelor degree this semester.

And not less important, I have to mastering the english.

I have a target to work at oil and gas company. So, english is the main important to be learned

My steps to mastering english are:

- learning tenses
- learning grammar
- increasing the vocabulary
- learning the pronunciation

I have heard that we must use english fluently first, and after that accuracy.

It means try to speak like "Vicky Prasetyo" first. He is speak english fluently, but the tenses/grammar is very bad.

that's intended to make us feeling english or confident to use english.

Like me, making a blog to write all things with english. I am not sure this script of this blog has correctly grammar, but I just try to habituate using english.

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